Everything To Know About Teeth Extractions

Proactive dental care is imperative for a variety of reasons. Neglecting oral hygiene could lead to a host of complications ranging from cavities to severe periodontitis. 

Removing a tooth in Durham, NC, is a procedure performed by surgeons. They administer anesthetic solutions to numb an area and extract dentin from its socket using hand-held instruments. There are many reasons to perform extractions, including: 

  • Irreparable damage 

When untreated decays reach dentin pulp, it destroys the tissues and blood vessels. Thus, removing a tooth is essential to prevent infection from spreading to other parts. 

  • Periodontal diseases 

This condition affects periodontal ligaments, alveolar bone, and other structures. A symptom of periodontitis is the loosening of a tooth, so dentists recommend an extraction. 

  • Impacted molar 

Later stages of dentition development involve the eruption of wisdom molar. Some adults experience pain and infection when there is a lack of adequate spacing to accommodate a molar. 

  • Overcrowding 

Before patients can get braces or any other orthodontic devices, they need the extraction to move or realign dentition. 

Aftercare instructions 

Thorough aftercare is essential after tooth removal to ensure a healthy and timely recovery. Dentists will instruct patients with some guidance, such as: 

Individuals should take painkillers as per the prescribed dosage. 

They need to leave the initial gauze pad for about three to four hours.

Patients can alleviate discomfort or swelling by applying an ice bag for about ten minutes. 

Another crucial tip is to take a rest for about 24 hours before resuming normal activities. 

People must also avoid smoking for some weeks, as it leads to tissue damage. 

Common replacement options 

After removing a tooth, patients can choose from a wide range of replacement options from dentistry. 

  • Bridges 

Cemented bridges consist of fused alloys where the center crowns fill an empty socket. Abutments on either side are anchored on either side for firm support. 

  • Partial dentures 

It is an appliance offering a long-term solution to replace any number of missing teeth. Dentures provide improved cosmetics and chewing function. 

  • Dental implants 

Another popular option is replacing a tooth with titanium implants. It offers natural-looking results and holds the most value out of all solutions. 


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