Maintenance Checklist For Denture Appliances

After teeth loss, dentures help to maintain their mastication ability and facial aesthetics. These devices have metal attachments to keep them in place and a prosthetic base for supporting artificial crowns. 

Similar to natural teeth, dentures in 33487, Boca Raton, also need optimal care for damage prevention. Proper maintenance further helps to keep them free of bacterial plaques. After treatment completion, dentists will instruct patients on the right way to clean, store, and handle their appliances. 

Cleaning tips 

An ideal maintenance plan involves several steps, such as: 

Rinse a device over running water after every meal. This step removes food debris and other particles that could lead to plaque accumulation. 

It is essential to avoid abrasive and harsh cleaners, as they could cause severe damage to the prosthetic parts. Instead, use a soft-bristled brush and mild dentifrice regular routines. 

Most dentures must stay moist for retaining shape. Therefore, place devices in lukewarm water or mild soaking solutions overnight. Patients must follow the manufacturer’s guidance for this step. 

Regular dental visits are helpful for diagnosing problems and getting a professional cleaning. Make sure to notify dentists about any discomfort or slippage because they can lead to sores and infection. 

Storage considerations 

Since dentures have prosthetic bases attached to their framework, safe storage is critical for preventing any damage. People could lose their set of breaking them by stepping on them. Always have a carrying case around for better protection and warp them in a paper towel when not in use. 

Handling instructions 

Before putting dentures, wash them thoroughly to rinse off any cleaning solution or dust. If ingested, such particles can cause burns and vomiting. 

Since they are very delicate, handle them with extra caution by using a soft towel. Promptly check with dentists when there is a damaged part and get replacements. 

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