Maintenance Tips For Denture Appliances

After edentulism, people can choose from various restorative options to replace one or all missing teeth. One popular and effective solution is dentures treatments ensuring optimal bite and facial aesthetics.

These devices are available in two variants: removable partial and complete devices. Patients can choose from either of these options depending on their condition. Similar to other dental appliances, dentures also require proper care to stay clean from stains and germs.

Rinse after eating

Dentists recommend washing replacements after every meal to remove food debris and other particles. Neglecting this step allows debris to accumulate on the crevices and develop into bacterial plaques.

Brush regularly

The standard advice is to follow proper oral hygiene by brushing and flossing twice a day. These practices help to clean germs that are residing between teeth and gums. Patients must avoid using any abrasive substances and use only soft strokes, as exerting excessive pressure can damage the prosthetics.

Overnight soaking

Most dentures require moisture to retain their shape, so store them in a soaking solution overnight. Since each type has different requirements, it is essential to follow the dentist’s instructions for choosing a solution and container size.

Avoid bleach

Some individuals regularly use bleaching strips to whiten their teeth. Such products produce adverse effects when applied to restorative devices. For instance, bleaching chemicals can weak dentures and affect their color. Similarly, these solutions also corrode the metal attachments used for positioning.

Regular checkups

It is imperative to follow routine dental visits with dentures. Practitioners diagnose any problems with an appliance like a loose fit or infected gum tissue using various techniques. Prompt treatments are necessary for preventing any further complications. By following routine checkups, people can protect their dentures for years to come.

For more details, refer here.


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