Everything To Know About CEREC Same-Day Crowns

There are a variety of situations where people can get their teeth damaged. From injuries to involuntary grinding, cracked dentin surfaces inflict sensitivity, irritation, and increased risks of gum infections. 

A crown is a small-cap bonded to a misshapen or discolored tooth for functional and aesthetical improvements. One popular choice of restoration is CEREC same-day crowns. Dentists design, fabricate and install them using computer-assisted technology. 

CEREC vs. traditional caps 

Most conventional procedures take two or three weeks to complete. People with busy schedules often find it challenging to get a broken tooth fixed due to this aspect. Conversely, patients can get restorations in a single appointment with CEREC crown dentists. 

Traditional solutions are made from porcelain and metal alloys. These materials are not ideal replacing the front row of dentition since it makes a person appear less attractive and obnoxious. Practitioners construct same-day caps using ceramic materials. It is one of the strongest substances and also ensures aesthetic matching with other teeth. 

When it comes to longevity, both regular and CEREC crowns are nearly identical. Patients might notice some fractures in their porcelain restorations after several years of use. Unlike them, modern caps allow for an easier replacement in a single appointment. 

Procedural phases 

This procedure mandates an initial consultation. Dentists take digital pictures of a tooth, along with several scans. 

Then, they create a model using CAD/CAM technology. Since they are using both digital images and mold impressions, the finished model will be accurate. 

After this, practitioners create a 3-D tooth from ceramic materials. This prepared crown is checked for any imperfections. 

As the last step, they polish the new cap and fit it in an empty socket. 

CEREC cost 

As with any dental procedure, the cost will vary based on one’s insurance coverage and region. Consult with adjusters to find policies offering complete coverage or look for alternatives. Moreover, talk with practitioners for an eligible payment plan. 


Patients looking for a long-term, natural-looking crown can opt for CEREC crowns. It is essential to find a qualified provider for better results. 

For more information visit here.


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