Everything To Know About CEREC Crowns

The process of restoring a damaged tooth has been time-consuming and excruciating since its inception. These adversities made people avert such procedures, so their conditions exacerbate, and quality of life deteriorates. 

Thankfully, modern technologies had found a viable solution to these problems in the form of CEREC crowns. Better known as Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics, this technology allows practitioners to design and fix restorations on the same day. 

This advantage, combined with many other benefits, made this procedure the most sought-after solution in recent times. 

General preface 

CEREC crown dentists use computer-based technologies to design restorative dental works from high-quality ceramic materials. Due to the craftsmanship, they are incredibly strong and offer natural-looking results for all. Most importantly, the procedure itself is effective and concise than other options. 

Preparation needed 

Upon arrival, practitioners take pictures of a tooth in need of repair. They use a digital camera specifically designed for this purpose. After capturing, they send these images to CEREC’s 3D software to create an accurate model. Then, a machine uses this prepared model to construct a new ceramic crown in a matter of minutes. 

Procedural phases 

Once completed, dentists fix restorations in the same way as traditional ones, but this procedure doesn’t need any follow-up visits. Patients can resume their normal activities right away without any discomfort or after-effects. As a result, they save both time and money. 

Notable benefits 

The benefits of CEREC crowns come in many forms. 


For people, time is their most valuable asset. Therefore, they cannot afford to days or weeks trying to repair a damaged tooth. Modern technologies allow practitioners to design and fix improvements in hours, so patients need only one visit. 


There is no need to get temporary caps when people opt for this solution. They can get a permanent improvement without any complications or inconveniences by considering this procedure. 


Lastly, CEREC crowns save a lot of money in the long run. Patients don’t have to spend on temporary caps or follow-up visits, so they pay only once for this procedure. 

To know more information follow us here.


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