Exploring the beneficial pediatric restoration solutions

Children’s primary teeth are subjected to many of the same complications as adults. Sugary foods, plaque bacteria, and acidic foods can affect tooth surfaces and lead to cavities. Moreover, many toddlers clench their teeth, wearing down the enamel surfaces. 

In that sense, there are times when dentition gets damaged by cavities, excessive wear, or injury trauma. And dentists recommend restorative pediatric dentistry in Boise, ID, for such complications. 

These treatments preserve a child’s ability to eat and speak properly. Most importantly, it maintains their self-confidence to smile more naturally. 

Common treatments 

1. Tooth-colored fillings 

Composite resin restorations are much stronger and durable than silver amalgams. These fillings bond enamel and dentin to restore the original shape. Moreover, pediatric dentists use this technique for decay removal, so healthy tooth structure is retained for empowered functioning. 

2. Pulp treatment 

Dentin pulp consists of nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissues. Therefore, any deep infections in these parts require pulp therapy. Since decay progresses much quicker in baby teeth, prompt pulpectomy is critical. Practitioners remove decayed pulp tissues and fill the space with resorbable materials. 

3. Stainless steel crowns 

Primary dentition has thinner enamel layers, so large fillings fail. Stainless steel crowns offer predictable results for restoration and protection for permanent development. It also presents an economical and compassionate approach for children, so they get long-term benefits. 

4. Aesthetic veneers 

This technology is available for both anterior and molar restorations. When toddlers have large cavities, pediatric dentists can achieve good oral health and speech development through aesthetic veneers. As the name suggests, it offers a cosmetic improvement for an excellent appearance. 

5. Space maintainers 

When a child loses baby molars, their craniofacial growth is affected. Therefore, preserving space for the permanent teeth eruption is achieved with space maintainers. Practitioners suggest this device until the age of 11 or 12 for proper development. This new technique also helps to get a comfortable fit for toddlers. 

Final thoughts 

All kids will appreciate a healthy and attractive smile for a lifetime. Pediatric restorations allow toddlers to get their teeth repaired in a quick, easy, and pain-free manner. For more information call us at 208-500-KIDS (5437)


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