Steps Involved In Dental Crowns Procedure

     Dental crowns are needed when patients suffer a severely damaged or decayed tooth. This restoration option helps to restore the natural shape and structure of dentin to improve functioning abilities. Moreover, dental crows provide some level of cosmetic enhancements as well. 

Steps involved 


The first step involves dentists numbing a tooth and surrounding tissues using a local anesthetic. Such a sedative intervention is imperative for patients who had root canals prior to this procedure. 


Next, practitioners will take accurate mold impressions of both maxillary and mandibular arches. They transfer these models to dental laboratories for proper fabrications. Lab technicians will use ceramic or porcelain fused to metal materials. 


Since crowns emulate the entire portion of dentin, it needs preliminary preparation to fit correctly. Dentists will remove precise amounts of enamel layer and remove old fillings as well. 


Before cementing crowns on the surface, practitioners will thoroughly clean the tooth with local anesthetic intervention. Then, they place bonding materials and administer a curing light to set the restoration. 


There will always be some adjustments needed to ensure proper crown function. Dentists evaluate a patient’s bite and treat any high spots on the cap, as it could lead to sensitivity and prolonged pain. 


As the last step, patients get specific post-operative instructions from their providers. They should follow these tips heedfully to relish and preserve the complete benefits of their newly improved smile.

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