Common Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments

    Cosmetic dentistry deals with improving various aspects of the smile by treating oral problems. Dentists administer a number of treatments to enrich the facial aesthetics and self-confidence of patients. The following are some common cosmetic dentistry treatments available at the practice. 


Dental bonding allows dentists to repair chips or cracks in the enamel. They use tooth-colored resin to a damaged tooth surface and harden it using a special light. The applied bonding material will last for several years. 


These are prosthetic caps made using porcelain or ceramic materials. Dentists prefer crowns when a significant portion of a tooth is lost or decayed. The crown is cemented directly using adhesives. 


A popular cosmetic dentistry procedure is teeth whitening. This process brightens yellowish dentin shade using peroxide-based gels. Bleaching helps to attain brightness of several shades that will last for months. 


People with irregularly shaped teeth can opt for dental veneers. These are thin, porcelain shells that can cover minor imperfections in a tooth. It can also endure day-to-day biting and chewing pressure. 


The most advanced procedure in cosmetic dentistry is dental implants. These are titanium root posts that act as replacements for a tooth. Dental implants are placed directly in the jawbone through several surgeries.

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